At Jaybird, we’re leading the Senior Living industry forward with innovations in personalized care, re-imagining the possibilities for our communities and our residents.

Signature Programs For
Exceptional Lifestyles
Signature Programs at Jaybird

Joy In Excellence
A tireless attention to detail makes joy come alive. We work hard to bring beauty and meaning to our communities every day. This ambitious pursuit makes Jaybird a great place for residents to live, for our staff to love what they do, and for our investors to discover true value.
We fulfill our promise of exceptional care with three signature programs—
Dare to Dream, Finest Living Years (FLY), and our Red Carpet philosophy.

Dare To Dream
Our dreams, hopes, and ambitions make us special as humans. These can be as modest as playing trumpet with the local band, or as elaborate as a hot air balloon ride! They are as unique and varied as our residents themselves.
We get to know each resident deeply as a vibrant individual, we learn what dreams spark joy in their lives–and we make them happen!
Our goal is to make at least one resident’s dream come true each month in every one of our communities. At Jaybird, we’ve made over 1,000 dreams come true so far, and we’re just getting started!

Finest Living Years
What a joy it has been these last 20 years to experience so many residents being encouraged and inspired to thrive.
Finest Living Years (FLY) is our resident engagement program. We begin by getting to know each resident’s unique life history, accomplishments, lifestyle, hobbies, interests, and dreams.
From there, we design a personalized program of meaningful daily activities to keep the mind sharp, their bodies capable, to help maintain independence, and stay active in the community.
We are not content just keeping our feet planted on the ground. At Jaybird Senior Living, we are empowering healthy and happy individuals to FLY with us!

The Red Carpet Makes It Happen
Imagine being treated as if you are the most important person in the world, with individualized attention to your well-being—we call it the Red Carpet philosophy. We embody this approach to care at Jaybird by rolling out the red carpet daily to everyone who lives in, works at, or visits our communities.
It’s the little things like a comforting squeeze of a hand—or the big things like finding space in the community room for a resident’s special crafting table.
The Red Carpet carries over to our corporate culture as well. Jaybird is committed to being the best employer in the industry. The happier and more fulfilled our employees are, the more dedicated and inspired care they provide.
It’s a virtuous cycle of service that lets us achieve our mission in style!
Experience The Difference
Come by and visit us at one of our over 40 nationwide locations. We’d be delighted and honored to roll out the red carpet for you!